5 FREE Fitness Apps For Busy Moms

Nerd out with me!

Last Updated on December 15, 2020 by Jenn | The Nerd Mom

Two of my absolute favorite things to do are curling up with a good book or vegging out playing video games. Truth be told, many geeky hobbies don’t exactly get that heart rate up or leave your muscles sore the next day. But having more sedentary hobbies doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a great workout. With the right motivation, I can get my butt moving and fit in a much-needed sweat session. These are the fitness apps for moms that keep me inspired.


Running seems to be a form of exercise you either love or you hate. But maybe the problem is you just think you can’t do it. With C25K, you can. The app walks you through three workouts a week and takes you from literally being a couch potato to being able to run a 5K (hence the name). Your first session is a combination of walking and jogging, with a longest jogging duration of 30 seconds. Hey, anyone can jog for 30 seconds, right? I’ve always enjoyed running myself, but during my pregnancies I didn’t exercise very much. Nine months letting those muscles atrophy, and starting up again post-baby felt like starting from scratch. What I loved about C25K’s regimen is that it helped me get back to my pre-baby fitness level in a gradual, step-by-step way.


Running seems to be a form of exercise you either love or you hate. But maybe the problem is you just think you can’t do it. With C25K, you can. The app walks you through three workouts a week and takes you from literally being a couch potato to being able to run a 5K (hence the name). Your first session is a combination of walking and jogging, with a longest jogging duration of 30 seconds. Hey, anyone can jog for 30 seconds, right? I’ve always enjoyed running myself, but during my pregnancies I didn’t exercise very much. Nine months letting those muscles atrophy, and starting up again post-baby felt like starting from scratch. What I loved about C25K’s regimen is that it helped me get back to my pre-baby fitness level in a gradual, step-by-step way.

Down Dog

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use, diverse, FREE, yoga app, Down Dog is awesome. You can create a practice of any experience level, focus area, and length within seconds, and you can even choose different types of music/sounds to play along with your workout. Yoga was the thing that helped me during and after pregnancy. Due to it being low impact, it was one of the few types of exercise I could do during pregnancy and it helped with round ligament pain. Postpartum, it helped me regain core strength and flexibility. Down Dog made creating a yoga workout for whatever I needed a breeze.


This app is a wealth of resources for all things health and fitness, not just exercise. MyFitnessPal helps you work towards a weight loss goal by providing a recommended number of net calories per day. You can track all of your daily calories consumed through food and calories burned through exercise, right through the apps intuitive interface. It also syncs up with Runkeeper so that each time you log a run, it automatically logs those calories burned. This is truly the ultimate fitness app and I have had my greatest weight loss successes while using this app.

Bikini Body Mommy

Okay, this one isn’t an app, but I love it so much, I couldn’t help but put it on this list. Briana Christine is a certified personal trainer and body-positivity guru who created Bikini Body Mommy workouts as a part of her own inspirational weight loss journey. The 90-day challenge workout series are free, but there is also some awesome paid content. What I love about Briana is her authenticity. She is trying to loose the baby weight herself, so you feel like you are struggling and sweating right along with her as the series progresses. She also records the workouts in her home, interruptions from the kids and all, which is so SO relate-able. Finally, with a daughter named Arwyn and a dog named Rhaegar, it seems like Briana might be a fellow nerd mom!

Looking for more apps for moms which can keep you organized? Check out my post about my five favorite organization apps for moms.

Nerd out with me!

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  1. July 21, 2019

    […] with your baby while she gets her tummy time, or go for a nature hike together. See my post “5 FREE Fitness Apps That Make Working Out Fun” for some apps you can download for more ideas. Working out with your children gives you all […]

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