15 Fascinating Facts About Breastfeeding

Nerd out with me!

Last Updated on August 9, 2020 by Jenn | The Nerd Mom

World Breastfeeding Week 2020 is 8/1 to 8/7, and I want to celebrate by sharing some of the most interesting facts about this wonder of human biology.

Breastfeeding is such a special experience, and though every mama has to choose what they feel is best for her and her baby, there are definitely some amazing benefits.

Here are 15 breastfeeding facts to celebrate the fascinating and amazing things mothers’ bodies can do to nourish and comfort their babies.

Breastfeeding creates a special bond between you and baby through eye contact. Newborns can only see about 15 inches in front of them, which is basically how far away your face is during feeding.

Breast milk tastes similar to cow’s milk, but is sweeter. It’s also been described as having a nutty taste to it.

Babies can taste some of what you eat through breast milk, so they will have a more varied palate than formula-fed babies.

breastfeeding facts

Breast milk transfers antibodies to your baby, so babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of many illnesses, including ear infections, diarrhea, and stomach problems.

Breastfed babies also have a lower risk of asthma, diabetes, and obesity as they get older.

Babies turn their heads towards their mothers when they are hungry because they have a strong sense of smell and are familiar with mom’s personal scent.

On average, baby boys drink more milk than baby girls.

breastfeeding facts

When you breastfeed, hormones are released in your body which can help shrink the uterus back to the size it was pre-pregnancy. This helps the healing process along.

Breastfeeding can burn up to 600 calories a day, so it can help you get back to your pre-pregnancy weight!


Your risk of breast and ovarian cancer decreases if you breastfeed.

Breast milk supply is regulated by baby’s needs. Your body knows how much to produce based on how much baby is eating.

In the first few days following birth, your breasts are actually producing a thicker, yellowish fluid called colostrum. It is jam-packed with all the calories and nutrients your baby needs until your milk comes in.

During breastfeeding, your brain releases prolactin and oxytocin, which create calm, relaxed feelings. Breastfeeding is also very calming for your baby.

Babies who breastfeed have less gas and spit-up than formula-fed babies.

Just thinking about or hearing your baby can trigger a let-down, so be prepared for leaks!

Check out some of my favorite breastfeeding products:

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  1. November 8, 2019

    […] often hear about the many nutritional and emotional benefits of breastfeeding. Co-sleeping is a bit more controversial because of the increased risk of SIDS when bed-sharing. […]

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