First Day of School Free Printable

Nerd out with me!

Capture the memory of your kiddo’s first day of school with my new First Day of School printable!

You can have a free PDF of this cute printable sent to your inbox. Fill out your email below:

After you get your printable, snap a picture of your kiddo with it and tag me on Facebook or Instagram or use #nerdmomfirstday. Your picture could be featured on my feed!

Facebook: @thenerdmomblog
Instagram: @thenerdmomblog

Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule

While you’re here, let me tell you about my other useful printable: the Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule.

When I first became a SAHM, I was struggling HARD with trying to get organized. Every day felt like chaos and we had no routine.

The fact that we had just moved out of state made it even worse (by the way, if you’re a mom currently living in a new town, check out this post about how to manage when you don’t have the extra help from friends and family).

Kids love routines. The stability of a predictable schedule can reduce anxiety for developing minds. I created this schedule printout to help me introduce the routine my kids were craving. We fill it out weekly and post it on our family command board.

You can get yours by signing up here:

When you sign up, you’ll also get some sweet tips on how to implement a schedule as a stay-at-home mom. You can also take a look at our very own schedule to get some ideas on how you can plan your week!

I hope you enjoy these printables. Tell me what you think in the comments!

Nerd out with me!

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