Author: Jenn | The Nerd Mom

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 29

If I became a cartoon character, my outfit would be some fun patterned leggings and a flowy tunic top. This is literally what I wear almost every day.

Why The Last Jedi Doesn’t Suck

Last Updated on December 15, 2020 by Jenn | The Nerd Mom We are just days away from the highly-anticipated release of The Rise of Skywalker, and the hype is real. Disney has been...

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 26

I feel like my childhood was the Golden Age of Disney movies. From The Little Mermaid in 1988 (the first Disney movie I saw in theaters) through Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Pocohontas, and Toy Story.

The Best Geeky YouTubers: The Vlog Brothers

They talked about everything from books to politics to pop culture, but in a way that I related to HARD. Their combination of awesomeness and awkwardness spoke to me. They sounded wise and worldly but also young and sometimes a bit dorky, in an endearing and engaging way.

What the Geek Community Needs to Improve

While it’s true that some of the most supportive people I have ever met come from the geek community, I have also come across my fair share of trolls and bullies.

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 21

I don’t have a sappy story about how my fandoms brought me through dark times or anything like that. But there is something my nerdy hobbies have given me – a sense of community with others who share my passions.

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 20

I was hesitant about Mad Men. If you’d asked me if I was interested in a show about a man working at a NYC advertising agency in the 1960s, I would have said that was completely not my thing.