Category: 30 Day Geek Out Challenge

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 12

I’ve loved everything I’ve played by Bioware. Both Knights of the Old Republic games, and all games in the Mass Effect and Dragon Age universes. My favorite, undoubtedly, is Dragon Age: Inquisition.

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 13

I’ve read a lot of awesome books series over the years, but my absolute favorite stands out from the rest. It’s the Kushiel’s Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey.

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 11

I’m not huge into comics or graphic novels, but there are some Star Wars graphic novels that I’ve been wanting to check out because of the story lines they explore.

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 7

I didn’t grow up in a superhero family. Sure, I watched Batman cartoons on TV when I was a kid, and my parents kind of liked that Superman show that was on for a while starring Dean Cain.

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 10

For the last couple decades, a lot of historical movies have disappointed with bad acting and vapid storytelling. The New World is nothing like those movies.

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 2

I’ve been a Star Wars fan for many years, but it wasn’t until the last couple years that I also became a… Reylo shipper (Rey and Kylo Ren/Ben Solo from the sequel Star Wars trilogy).

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 3 & 4

Attending a convention has been on my bucket list for a while. I can’t imagine anything sounding more fun than hanging out with a bunch of like-minded fans wearing fantastic costumes and talking about nerdy stuff. It’s just never worked out for me to go.

My Lord of the Rings Wedding

One of the things that brought my husband and me together was a shared love of Lord of the Rings. I planned my entire wedding around a Lord of the Rings theme!

30 Day Geek Out Challenge – Day 1

One of the first things I really got obsessed over was the Animorphs book series by K.A. Applegate, in elementary school. I didn’t even know what a fandom was at that point, but I was definitely a part of it. I read EVERY. SINGLE. BOOK. All 64 of them.